Circle Weather v1.5.6 APK
Circle weather shows you the current weather as widget and the forcast values in the CircleLauncher known style. If you are looking for a stylish, clean, and quick weather application, here it is! There are a lot of configuration possiblities to fit the widget to your needs. Enjoy.
- Tap widget to expand forcast view
- Tap widget long INTO THE CENTER OF THE
EXPANDED FORCAST VIEW to enter configuration view
( if pressing simply long to the widget on the
homescreen, the normal move option apprears )
- Allows ofcource multiple city widgets
- To add the widget to the homescreen, press long on the homescreen: Menu-> Add widget-> CircleWeather
What's in this version:
1.4.8 - 1.5.6:
add Gps-base location selection
Cool: add the TRAVEL-MODE feature. This checks before automatic weather data update your actual position, and load the nearest weather station forecast data. Enjoy - you know always the weather conditions around you!
some bug fixes
impove icons
add individual update rate to reduce battery consumption (include off-feature to freeze the current weather
revise image handling
extended configuration now full available