Google Play Store (Android Market) v3.5.16 Mod
Play Anywhere, All your entertainment in one place, Google Play is your one-stop shop for all your favorite entertainment.
Installation procedure:
1. Your device must be ROOTED.
2. Download Root Explorer, if you don't have it allready installed. (or any other file manager with root features)
3. Go to /system/app/ and delete the ''Vending.apk'. You can backup your old Vending.apk to your SDCard as well, if you want.
3a. The name of the allready existing apk could be ''Phonesky.apk''. Don't bother.
4. Install the downloaded Vending.apk
4a Install it normally or copy-paste it to /system/app. Whatever works for you!
5. With Root Explorer hold click on the vending.apk and choose ''Permissions''5 Reboot your phone
6 Start Play Store and grant the access. You'll be asked to do so
7 Enjoy!
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