Thursday, 3 May 2012

DicePlayer v2.0.3 (2.0.3) Apk

DicePlayer v2.0.3 (2.0.3) Apk

HW Accelerated Video Player with Playback speed control and Network support! AMAzing!


Playback speed control
- up to x1.8
- audio pitch correction support

Subtitle format
- MKV embedded subtitle supported
- Unicode/Multibyte charset supported.

- HTTP Live Streaming

Supported devices
* Tegra3 based ICS devices(Transformer Prime/HTC One X)
* Tegra2 based Honeycomb tables
* Samsung Galaxy S2/Note
* Samsung Galaxy S and variants
* Samsung Galaxy Tab(7′)
* Samsung Galaxy Player (YP-GB1)
* HTC Nexus One,Desire and QSD8250 based devices => may need patch.
* HTC Sensation,Evo 4G+.Evo 3D
* HTC Desire HD,ThunderBolt
* Toshiba TG-03 and many Japaneses vendors’ QSD8250 based devices => May need patch.
* Dell Streak,Venue => May need patch.
* SonyErricson Xperia Arc,Acro
* Motolora Defy : Gingerbread required.
* LG Optimus 2x,Moto Atrix,Droid Bionic,Photon 4G : Gingerbread required

* Video capability depends on your devices HW video decodes’ capability.
* Some devices(Moto Defy, Galaxy S/Tab) need gingerbread update.
* Tegra2 based devices : H.264 High@3.1 ( no weighted prediction )

Get NOW!

Download Here:
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