Cool Tool – system stats 3.45 APK
This utility allows you to monitor a various system info in "always on top" floating window (overlay mode).
Available features:
- CPU Usage meter
- Free RAM meter
- CPU Frequency indicator
- 2g/3g/Wi-Fi Traffic meter
- Battery Level
- Battery Temperature
- Battery Current (mA)
- Wi-Fi Signal Level
- Time/Date indicator
- GSM Cell Signal Level (Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note are not supported due to firmware bug!)
- Number of fixed GPS satellites
- Most resource-intensive processes
- Task Killer
This application allows you to:
- Easy diagnostic problem processes that consume resources excessively.
- With Cool Tool you can monitor full-screen applications (games, video players, browsers).
- Monitor your Internet traffic without closing the browser window.
- Make your battery level always visible, with accurate percentage scale.
- Monitor how good your CPU governor switches between CPU frequencies in idle/stresses
Press Show Panel button to enable dashboard. You can drag floating window over the screen or double tap to open settings. See video and screen-shots for details.
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