Monday, 18 June 2012

misHaps 1.0.6 APK

misHaps 1.0.6 APK

Secure lock screens are great for privacy but they can also work against you in case your phone is lost or if you get yourself in an emergency situation.misHaps gives you a way to display your contact information for whomever finds your phone as well as those of a person to reach in case of emergency, all while keeping the device securely locked. get now the latest new version!

misHaps is designed to be as non intrusive as possible. It will only show the above information if your device is locked and after a delay that you can set in the preferences. Adjust this delay to work best with your screen timeout settings and your phone usage habits.

Required Permission Explanation
Read phone state and identity: Required for misHaps to detect that the screen was turned on due to the phone ringing. The misHaps screen will not be shown in this case

Display System Level Alerts: Required for misHaps screen to display over the lockscreen

Retrieve running applications: Required for avoiding conflicts with other activities that can wake up the phone such as alarms and reminders

Important Notice
misHaps is tested with your device’s original lock screens. It will not work as intended with replacement lock screens.

What’s in this version:
- Added setting to control how long the screen stays on after the misHaps screen appears
- Fine tuned the application on more devices

Download Here
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